Friday, June 8, 2018

Moho No-mo

We are not living in our motor home anymore. And it's good...but it's also been hard. (Have you ever noticed that good things are often...hard things? We'll save that for another blog.)

Our initial plan, when we bought the Casita in Arizona, was to live in our moho while in the Northwest for the summer months. We like the moho and really don't mind living in it. The problem is...finding a place to park it to live. It seems most of the people our age, and even younger, also had the same plan. The RV parks are full in most of the state of Oregon. The ones that aren't full either don't offer month to month rent...don't rent to rigs as old as ours...or have waiting lists.

Thankfully, last summer when Sparky was worrying about what we were gonna do this summer...I had a very strong sense that one of our rentals was going to be vacant, in which case we would have a place to stay. I just didn't know "how" this was going to happen. But I had faith that it was.

The house that ended up empty for us (because we had to evict the tenant which we have never had to do in almost 20 years of landlording) was a bit of a nightmare. The tenant left it a mess. So it required many dump trips just to see what we were working with. We booked 2 weeks at a nearby lake, and went to work. Mostly Sparky went to work. I wasn't even allowed over here for a few days.

Now here we are. The moho is in the shared driveway (we also own the little house next door)...and we're in the process of making 650 square feet "home." Don't get me wrong, it is way bigger than the moho, and it is so nice to be on solid ground with a little space around us. But this hasn't been "easy" like I imagined it would be.

We got rid of almost EVERYTHING the last time we moved into the RV...because we thought we wouldn't be living in a house anymore. And really, it's OK because nothing we had in our last house would have fit in this one. The thing I am learning in all of this is how to let the past go, and rest in this season.

If you know me at all, you know that my passion is decorating. I just love putting things together to make a house a home. I also love entertaining. We have had a LOT of overnight company in the past 10 years. When we lived in Medford and also in Washington, we had friends and family coming to stay with us often. It is my joy to host...whether it be overnight or for a meal. we are in a tiny house with barely any room for more than 2 people.

It's going to be good. We have a yard and we will make it nice for entertaining. We have a comfortable bed (funny story) and 2 comfy recliners. We have a tiny bathroom with a big shower that is heaven to this RV girl. I can make some pretty good meals in my tiny kitchen with no counter space. Life is good...

I think the key to living in this adventure is to not look back. It is dangerous to think that my life will always look the same. Because then I start to get sad...when what my life used to look like doesn't fit into today. I must remind myself  to be excited about this current season. Because I don't yet have clear vision of what it will look like here, in this tiny home. One thing I know, it will be good! I have learned that different is good. That change is good. That hard is good. And so with these truths settled in me, I forge ahead in this new chapter...closing the chapter on Moho Life. I just might be back in this blog though, if any "good" stories come up during our travels...Until then, keep on living your adventure!!

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Arizona Life

It's not that I mind lizards. I KNOW they are our friends and they eat bugs.
I've seen 2 lizards so far. I am trying to make peace with them. I don't want one crawling over my bare foot.

And just 3 boxes of Kleenex later, we're here in our new desert home!! I didn't get much blogging done on way because I had the flu. We managed to make the most of our trip, stopping for a few days in Pismo Beach and enjoying all it has to offer.

There has been way more to do once arriving than we anticipated. Besides cleaning the dust/dirt layer in the Arizona room (which is an outdoor screen-in room with tile floor, counter and sink that we can't wait to use for our BBQ parties, that had to be hosed out, then mopped with soap and a scrub brush and whew, it was a lot of dirt)...we discovered something burrowed up our wall, (later finding out from a pest control guy that it is termites...a way different breed of termite than lives in the Northwest)...and other little frustrations.

I said a million times while living in the RV, "I can't wait to get to Arizona where I have a washer and dryer!" But the washer isn't spinning and draining. We found out that getting a repairman to come out here is next to impossible. We're fine on clothes, but running out of hamper space. And I'm running out of underwear. And I refuse to hand wash them so don't suggest it. Enough of an adjustment hand washing my dishes. Desert life is hard. The pioneer struggle is real. We are scheduled for a repairman next Thursday. I'm hoping for a miracle before then...or maybe Sparky will decide to try and fix it.

Speaking of...he's had a touch of a different type of flu for a couple of days...which was totally frustrating both of us. My "moving in" came to a standstill because I can't lift, so I'm unable to fill tubs with stuff from the motor home to unload into the house. He was frustrated because he couldn't get out and continue pulling weeds (I'm talking like tumbleweeds) and pruning palms and doing all the stuff he loves outside. He has quickly found out that every single plant here has either needles or thorns, so gardening is risky business.

This move has been a bigger transition than the others. I can't really say why. Way less "stuff" to deal with, as the casita came furnished and I'm only adding some kitchen stuff and small decor items. It is just very strange when it dawns on me that we live TWO STATES AWAY from our family, and everyone we know. But the people here are all quite friendly. The folks we met last time, from Canada, haven't shown up yet. Not sure if they will still want to be our friends after the shoe incident last year.

The sunrises and sunsets are spectacular, and they never get old. We are learning to get outside and walk or do outside work in the morning before it warms up. Tiffy and I have been enjoying a morning and evening walk. The other evening a nice young man rode by us on a unicycle. And we discovered that walking under certain trees causes the flock of birds that were hiding in the tree to suddenly flap their wings and fly out, startling us both! The first time it happened, I was sure it was bats...and very thankful when I discovered it was only doves.

In all, I think I am going to like Arizona life. The dry weather seems to energize me. But I'm still praying for a pool. A girl can dream...

Monday, October 2, 2017

Snowbird Trip: Day One

Yesterday we left the "resort" in Harrisburg, and began our trip to Arizona. Our first stop is Emigrant Lake just outside of Ashland. We love southern Oregon...we love the dry climate and sunshine and beauty, and have many fond memories of the few years we lived here.

Pulled into the RV park around 1:00, and hubby got busy taking the car off the trailer and doing all of the hooking up chores. It's beautiful here on the lake. But also a bit windy.

He was outside working on the RV steps. I didn't know why,  just thought he closed the door on me. So, I opened the door, the wind caught it, and I tried to keep it from whacking into the side of the moho, meanwhile a yellow jacket flew in, I grabbed the fly swatter and was batting at the bee...thought I was one step down but I wasn't...I took a big step hyper-extending my knee.
Now I'm groaning in pain, Sparky is yelling "You've gotta be sh--ing me!!" and I'm yelling "Just get me the ice pack!!"
So that happened...
It's peaceful here on the lake.

I woke up yesterday with a sore throat. I found some vitamin C packets and began taking them. They usually help me ward off any cold that threatens. Only it ends up they were fiber packets.
I'm not constipated this morning. Still have a sore throat though.

We did have a wonderful dinner with friends at our favorite Mexican place in Jacksonville. Hoping to walk around Ashland today. Need to find the knee brace...

Friday, September 29, 2017

I Ain't Missin You At All

Someone asked me the other day if I missed my house. And I was able to honestly say that once we sold it and moved into our motor house (what my 3-year-old granddaughter calls it) I have never looked back. I think that is a good thing.

Has this new life been everything I imagined it to be? Mostly, yes!! We have had an incredibly fun time reconnecting with friends...BBQ's, Happy Hours, Wineries, prayer times, swimming and hanging out.

Have there been times where I felt like this little house is too small? Yep. But there are frustrating things no matter where you call home.

We spent most of yesterday swatting bugs. Our spot is next to a green swamp that seems to be a breeding ground for every type of insect in this state. We have been attacked by stink bug type beetles that while they don't seem stinky, they do seem to want to take over the world...starting with our RV. Sparky keeps busy outside with a fly swatter hitting them off the rig as they try to cover the outside, then squeeze their way in. We can't sit out and enjoy the patio anymore because the yellow jackets have gotten so aggressive. We killed 10 fairly large black spiders in the bathroom yesterday. I was about to move out of this thing until hubby found a place they must have been hatching from, and sprayed it. Then there's the flies. We have perfected the lightening fast pass of the swatter from hubby outside to me inside hoping the fly stays on the window long enough for me to get it.

The neighbor gets up early for work and starts the engine on his diesel truck, letting it idle for 10 minutes. The other neighbors don't know you can turn off the horn honk feature of their car and truck keys, so every time they come or go we get to hear them.'s been a great summer and the good outweighs the annoying. (Oh great, it's raining now and we have things to load into the car and RV and hubby has to put the tow car on the trailer...and this is a test isn't it?)

I feel like we (is it just me?) have been given this HUGE life expectation...all of the books and preaching tell us we should be living a bigger life, fulfilling our destiny; feeding children in other countries, volunteering, becoming involved in politics, protesting everything unjust in the world...on and on it goes, as if these are the only ways we can make a difference in this world. And these things are all good and I'm not saying we shouldn't be doing them. But if EVERYONE was busy doing big things who would be left to listen to the stories of the big "doers" in the world? Who would be available when someone runs out of gas getting to the thing they are doing? Who would be around to love and comfort someone who tried to do too much?

I don't believe life is meant to be lived the same way by everyone. There are big lives and accomplished people in the limelight. There are huge churches, and TV ministries and authors who write best sellers, and epic stories told by creative movie producers. There is so much greatness in each of us! Some greatness is on display for the world to see...but most of it is not.

Much of our greatness is in the day to day little things...acts of kindness, honesty, helping others, loving the unlovable, working through offenses, dealing with really hard family relationships, and sometimes just staying sane amidst the humdrum boredom of most days...

Do you think maybe God uses a different measuring stick than we do for our lives? Or how about this...maybe He doesn't use one at all! Maybe He loves it when we are content just going with the flow, and growing with the flow, and being thankful every day.

So house...I ain't missin you at all. I've been on an amazing adventure these past 10 years. I've learned that the destination isn't really the point. I've learned I can trust my Tour Guide and enjoy the trip. 
And lately, it occurs to me...what a long, strange trip it's been...

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Wisdom for RV Living

After a month and a half of RV life (has it only been 6 weeks?) I believe I have figured out the trick to getting along in tight quarters. Please allow me to share some tips I've learned so far.

Prayer is a very important aspect of living like this. (Dear God, pleeeeeese make him stop chewing so loud he's driving me freaking nuts...)

Fasting can also be a tool to help maintain one's focus on a Higher Power. (You ate the last chicken strip? Seriously? I'm fine...I don't need to eat anything.)

Exercise is critical to the RV lifestyle. (You have the A/C on so high I'm freakin' freezing! I'll just go sit outside. Man, it's hot out here, I'm going back in. Ugh, my hands and feet are so cold, I'm going back outside...)

Cheerful submission to one's mate keeps the peace and maintains order. (Really, golf then baseball, then boat racing? GO SPORTS!!! No, by all what you want...stupid white male privilege...)

Restful days enhance this lifestyle. (How long is he gonna nap on the couch? Where am I supposed to go? How can he sleep sitting up anyway? Is his snoring getting louder?)

Doing little chores helps to pass the time productively. (Would you please bring the vacuum in for me? Now you're gonna tell me how to vacuum? As if you're an expert? Leave me alone! I've got this!!!)

As you can see, the RV life is a wonderful way to strengthen marriage relationships if we are careful to maintain a respectful and cheerful attitude. I hope these tips have been helpful. You're welcome.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Not That Patriotic

I'm OK with our 20 year old motor home with its faded and cracked stickers and paint, and broken windshield. It runs well, and is pretty cozy inside.

I'm OK with our 20 year old tow car with its dented back bumper and passenger door, and torn up driver's seat. It runs well, and gets us where we need to go.

But when we go to Dollar General and my hubby starts looking at clothes because they are 50 percent off...and he holds up a pair of red, white and blue flag shorts and thinks they are great and wants to buy them because they are "only 5 dollars"...I AM NOT OK!!!!!

"Stand down and back away, Sparky. Have you lost your damn mind???"

There is such a fine line when living as we do. Yes, we are on a "fixed income"...(if I hear that one more time I'm gonna...) and I realize we must be frugal and watch our spending. But no...dear God, we are not going to start buying our clothes at Dollar General. NO WAY!!

Call me superficial. I don't care. NO FLAG SHORTS WILL WE WEAR!

Moho No-mo

We are not living in our motor home anymore. And it's good...but it's also been hard. (Have you ever noticed that good things are of...